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National issues


Voting for a candidate for East Worthing and Shoreham means choosing an MP to represent the area on a national stage. As such, it's important for me to play an active role in change across the UK. 


  • Support Consolidate NHS administration. With each NHS Trust having its own administration team, consolidating these teams and sharing services will help redirect funds to where it’s needed most: into medical care.

  • More police on the ground. Push for greater investment and the expansion of our police forces, reducing the dominance of cameras and removing lay Police commissioners – political appointments that have no place in policing.

  • Justice review. Comprehensive review of criminal justice system, sentencing for serious crime is inadequate, parole board activities need reviewing. Build new prisons with proper resources.

  • Business support. Encourage businesses to move away from the South of England using tax incentives. This would mean a more prosperous UK as a whole, with reduced pressure on an overcrowded and increasingly expensive South.

  • Mental and physical health. Greater provision of properly resourced and funded facilities for those with severe mental and physical disabilities. We cannot abandon those who are most vulnerable in inadequate community care with exhausted carers. We must give them a place they can have supported independence.

  • Support for first time buyers. We should abolish stamp duty for those buying their first home and, for those under 40, help with a matched deposit savings grant from central government, subject to a maximum.

  • Nationalise rail. Taking advantage of the economy of scale, the railway network needs to be nationalised, rather than having duplicated services and associated administration. Nationalise water. It is vital to stop bankrupt companies taking government money to run their services while still paying dividends and polluting our water.

  • Education. Greater emphasis at secondary level on preparation for life, learning a second language and social support skills, such as first aid training. School meals to be available for all those in need, with proper nutrition for children a priority.

  • Prevent serving MPs taking part in reality TV programmes during their term in office. Being present and available to constituents is vitally important.

  • Mandate and monitor the time serving MPs spend listening to and working for their constituents, attending and contributing to parliamentary business. Discourage MPs holding second jobs and directorships. Being an MP is a full-time job and should be treated as one. Stop investment in UK public and private bodies by foreign governments and corrupt oligarchs.

  • As a G8 economy we need to work to abolish poverty, condemn to history the need for foodbanks and homelessness.

  • Advocate proportional representation in national and local elections and review of House of Lords membership.

  • Nationalise the Post Office.

  • Review the veil of incorporation and limited liability for companies. Impose lifetime bans on dishonest owners and directors, rather than three to five-year bans.

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