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Local issues

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Having lived in Worthing since the 1990s, I am passionate about seeing this fantastic area prosper. I know there are challenges in our community, but I'm determined to fight for and support the people of East Worthing and Shoreham.

  • Stop central Government taking 80% of business rates. This will ensure money from local businesses goes back into the community, supporting the repair of local infrastructure, roads, paving and drainage.

  • Stop central government from dictating local housing policy, which has seen developments on flood plains and nature reserves. Giving control back to the local authority will support affordable housing and projects that are not at risk of flooding.

  • Stop the desecration of local heritage properties. Solid Victorian buildings have been demolished for developers to build cheaper, lower quality flats. We should think renovation and restoration, not demolition and cheap, fast housing projects.

  • Address the A27. Construct bypasses for Worthing, Arundel and Chichester. Doing so will alleviate congestion reduce pressure on towns, maintaining traffic flow and supporting local access. This would be combined with a review of traffic controls in key blackspots, with a view to stop installing roundabouts with traffic lights that contribute to poor flow, for example.

  • Footbridge for Worthing Central station, a notorious pedestrian block.

  • Legislation to prevent local authorities from speculative investments, so local taxes are used for the provision of local services.

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