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International issues

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Representing the local community of East Worthing and Shoreham would be an honour, but it is important to look not just at local issues but global policies, too.  Were I to be voted as your MP, I would be mindful of looking beyond the UK and standing up for what I believe to be right globally. 


  • Support a two-state solution in Palestine / Israel.

  • Give more support for Ukraine.Review the operating format of the United Nations. The current veto ability of superpowers should be removed, as one country means one vote. Allow majority votes to be carried, preventing the current blocking tactics exercised as political blackmail over others.

  • Possible expulsion from UN of Russia and Israel until they comply with UN instructions to act in a humane fashion and stop committing alleged war crimes.

  • Equal emphasis on saving lives and saving the planet, both of which are essential.

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